Monday, April 18, 2011

Decisions Decisions

So a job offer came in today.  A temporary job.  I had already convinced myself that I wasn't getting hired and had convinced myself that clearly school was the answer.  Then I get a voice mail saying if I'm still interested, call.

I am torn.

I feel like taking the job is the responsible thing to do.  But my mind is set on going back to school for the degree I never got the first time around.

My oldest son says stick with school.  With a degree, my chances of a better job, and better paying job, are much greater.

Either way, it means living with my parents that much longer.  School doesn't allow for me to provide a house, pay the bills, etc.  But neither does a temporary job.

I guess I'm really not torn.  It is clear that it is school I want to do.  I just am having anxiety over turning down a job.  I am afraid of screwing up...again.


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